
 Further Insight

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognise and regulate your emotions to relieve stress and overcome challenges.

It is also the ability to communicate effectively with others to resolve conflict and to make more informed decisions.

We have all had moments where our emotions have caused unhealthy and inappropriate reactions when we have been overwhelmed with stress, hurt or anger and these are lessons to be learnt from, not moments to regret.

Building emotional intelligence starts with self-awareness.

When you are aware of how your emotions affect your thoughts, behaviours and relationships you can start to take measures to control your impulsive feelings and reactions to stress and start to navigate the complexities required to manage conflict and maintain healthy relationships with loved ones, in the workplace and within society.

Adapt to taking a moment to think and observe your current emotion before you react. This pause can be the one thing that enables you to think rationally before behaving irrationally.

Uncontrollable emotions and behaviours affect your personal and social relationships, leaving you feeling lonely and isolated, and they also affect your mental health.

If you do not manage your stress and overpowering emotions you will be more vulnerable to anxiety and depression, have high blood pressure and a low immune system.

The higher the EI, the more likely you are to have a successful life and successful relationships, including the relationship you have with yourself.

You are able to make better choices on your life’s path and can move away from negative situations and unhealthy relationships more easily.

At the same time, emotional intelligence is having the capacity to empathise with other people and to be able to understand their emotions as well as your own.

Do not let your emotions get the better of you. Of course, it is ok to feel upset, hurt, angry, stressed etc, that is the human experience, but it is how we deal with these emotions that is important.

Understanding your core emotions that lead to undesirable behaviours is essential to being able to manage them in overwhelming moments and to maintaining respectful relationships.

Regression therapy, both childhood and past life, enables you to identify the origin of emotional triggers so you can make permanent changes in your thoughts and behaviours that stand up when you are under pressure during stressful times.

However, don’t expect behavioural change to happen overnight, it takes constant self-awareness and practice.

Emotional and mental development increases your emotional intelligence and you will improve your relationships, manage conflict better and live a much happier life!

Much love, 

Robyn x